DO black holes have no Hair?


  • popular culture

    Popular culture often refers to anything that derives from the general society, fashioned as orthodox repertoires with the purpose of exposing the negative perspectives of a commodity-based capitalist society. Popular culture influences everyone differently, thus creating various emotions and reactions from interacting with each content. This results in contrary definitions of the term “mass culture”…

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  • Humanity amid the pandemic

    With more than 735,000 cases and approximately 40,000 deaths, the US has become the center of COVID-19. Despite waking up with new Coronavirus cases every day and news about the major lack of medical equipment, half a dozen states, followed by Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and Washington last Sunday, started protesting against the stay-at-home rules. In…

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  • Forbidden

    As a kid. Being a rebellion myself with typical strict Asian parents has not been easy but it has been my life.  I was so used to the word ” forbidden” that I did not think twice before carry out whatever that was forbidden.And then, he was my first crush and primary five “boyfriend”. It…

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  • “Don’t let this be our final song”

    It has been 2 weeks since school started and It was hella crazy. Including school hours, 14-15ish hours per day I dedicated to my study.Hence the moment I stepped out of my school, I needed to go to my ” happy land” before a laundry list of homework hit my eyes and I turned insane.…

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